Cheap Apollo 300 Watt Slide Projector Lamp, 120 Volt Output (VA-ELH-6)

Apollo 300 Watt Slide Projector Lamp, 120 Volt Output (VA-ELH-6)

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Sale now on Apollo 300 Watt Slide Projector Lamp, 120 Volt Output (VA-ELH-6)

Apollo 300 Watt Slide Projector Lamp, 120 Volt Output (VA-ELH-6) Cheap Price and Lowest Price

Apollo 300 Watt Slide Projector Lamp, 120 Volt Output (VA-ELH-6) Review and Overviews
If you Find Apollo 300 Watt Slide Projector Lamp, 120 Volt Output (VA-ELH-6) cheapest price .This is reviews and overviews for Apollo 300 Watt Slide Projector Lamp, 120 Volt Output (VA-ELH-6).
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Apollo 300 Watt Slide Projector Lamp, 120 Volt Output (VA-ELH-6) Feature

  • 300-watt halogen reflector lamp
  • 120-volt output
  • Provides super bright light, long life and accurate color for slide projectors
  • Made with 99 percent pure quartz glass
  • Compatible with all Elmo models except Xenon; Kodak Ektagraphic Series, AF1, 2, 3, B2, B2AR, E3, Carousel 6H, 650H, 650H-K, 800H, 850H-K, 860H; Telex 3150, 3170, 3270, 3280

Apollo 300 Watt Slide Projector Lamp, 120 Volt Output (VA-ELH-6) Specification

Apollo 300 Watt Slide Projector Lamp, 120 Volt Output (VA-ELH-6) customers ratings and customer review
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to Apollo 300 Watt Slide Projector Lamp, 120 Volt Output (VA-ELH-6). If you want to read those detailsto make your decision on product. Click to see all customers reviews & ratings here

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